Latest News
Reward Fourth Newsletter
- Our fourth newsletter is out! You can find it here.
Virtual Final Conference
The REWARD consortium invites you to register for our upcoming virtual final conference. After over 2 years of hard work, the Erasmus+ REWARD project is coming to an end. We invite you to join us for the virtual final conference where we will: demonstrate our free...
3rd Newsletter
– Our third newsletter is out! You can find it here. – You can subscribe to our newsletter here.
REWARD 5th Transnational Meeting
Due to the situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 5th transnational meeting of the REWARD project that was scheduled to take place in Prague, Czech Republic, was held online. During the meeting, the partners discussed the finalization of the training modules...
- Our second newsletter is out! You can find it here: 2nd Newsletter - You can subscribe to our newsletter here: Suscribe
REWARD 4th Transnational Meeting
Overview meeting On the 9th of March, the REWARD partners met and overviewed the final case studies developed by each partner in their respective country. Those interesting case studies presenting rural women who developed multi-functional activities on their farms...