Noticias y Eventos
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Cuarto boletín
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5ª Reunión Transnacional REWARD
Debido a la situación relacionada con la pandemia de COVID-19, la 5ª reunión transnacional del proyecto REWARD que estaba programada para tener lugar en Praga, República Checa, se celebró on-line. Durante la reunión, los asociados examinaron la finalización de los...
- ¡Nuestro segundo boletín ha salido! Lo puede encontrar aquí: 2nd Newsletter - Puede suscribirse a nuestro boletín de noticias aquí: Suscribe
REWARD 4th Transnational Meeting
Overview meeting On the 9th of March, the REWARD partners met and overviewed the final case studies developed by each partner in their respective country. Those interesting case studies presenting rural women who developed multi-functional activities on their farms...
REWARD 3rd Transnational Meeting
On the 3rd of October 2019, the partners of the project REWARD met in Naklo, Slovenia to hold their 3rd transnational meeting hosted by the Biotehniski center Naklo. Each partner presented a selection of 5 case studies of women entrepreneurs in European rural areas...